Live N Learn

How does that differ from my HP Spaceball 5000? They showed us all the same controls that mine does.

This totally makes sense. With Apple, what you see is what you get so if they offered ....say..... two LP devices then Apple nuts would be happier then shit.

That is a fat bowl of pure awesome! Good work!!!

"but pups who normally hide under the bed when the vacuum's out might not benefit much from this one."

For downloading? I highly doubt that!!!! Sounds like BS to me. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say she MUST HAVE BEEN "sharing". Meaning she's paying 1.5 million for UPLOADING, not just downloading.

"this app can actually make your iPhone 4 more powerful than a low-end point and shoot."

We've had these for a LONG TIME. I have a ton of these at home. Except for some reason they're all kiddie cups. I have a couple sippy cups like this as well.

"The Day Steve Jobs Was Wrong"

James clearly needs to go read up on Moore's law. The fact that we already have the technology versus making it better and adding the basic principles of Moore's law clearly depicts it will not take 10 years to up the quality enough for full time HD use.

I still question why you need this? You get the booklet in the mail and it tells you where to go. Did you throw it away? Or did you get a mail in ballot but waited until the last minute and now you have to walk it in? You can take it to ANY polling place. you not know ANYONE??? It also has a phone number