Live N Learn

My college ID has no picture or expiration date. But it does me no good. Hardly anyone offers a student discount anymore. Not around SoCal. Mostly because Student IDs are BS.

So when can I install this on my already existing HTPC?

Oh I see...BBC. Now that makes sense! If that thing was in America there would have to be at least 3 people surrounding the unit to make sure no one steps over any of the other 5 required barrier safety components to keep out kids, dogs and retards. Not to mention the 30 required signs stating DO NOT TOUCH FOCAL

That can't possibly be a photo of the clip that was agent would be issued that weapon.

To start, I'm 35.

How cute! The worlds largest sundial. They should do better things with their money. We have clocks everywhere now...

....and the rockets red glare....

@Al CaPWN: