Live N Learn

This must be false. After all, Jobs told us all that Intel DOES NOT support USB3.0. Even though every new MB I've purchased latley has an Intel chipset WITH USB 3.0.

When are people going to learn to use newsgroups? So many people have strayed from them yet it's the safest communication!

So not only does someone need to teach them what protective eye wear is...someone also needs to teach them how to use a high speed camera.....they also need to learn about explosives and what proper material to use when wanting to "view" the explosion.

I want to see something so large that it sucks the iron out of you body like in X-Men.

Good stocking stuffer for the whole family. ONE that is, for everyone.

So, basically, you're better off getting a netbox that can do a hell of a lot more then GoogleTV.

I buy a TV because I want a TV to watch MOVING PICTURES. Integrating something that is video related is awesome, like youtube or netflix. But once you start putting POS like facebook and twitter on it...I'm out.

Instant on? That's a joke right? I like how Steve claims the iPad is instant on. Mine takes 18 seconds to boot up. I have PCs that boot faster then that!

Instant on? That's a joke right? I like how Steve claims the iPad is instant on. Mine takes 18 seconds to boot up. I have PCs that boot faster then that!