Live N Learn

Google didn't do anything wrong. But the 'right thing' to do would be to delete the info. Plus, all users who ignorantly do not secure their WiFi should bow down and kiss Google's feet for deleting it.

I would have left the text but forced the font to something unofficial.

"We gave you many reasons to quit"

My ION drums should already be able to distinguish the cymbals. Hopefully I'm good to go.

Someone's going back to basic training...

That's a pretty cool white case they got for their iOS device.

That episode was awesome. When they nail it, they really nail it!

Good thing we still do it old school in SoCal. I'm lazy, I mail mine in!

I have a normal/current hot tub and it has absolutely nothing to do with Vegas. In fact, hot tubs and vegas have never had anything to do with each other in close relation.

Don't those 7,000 need to be verified by an Guinness official? I doubt that happened. They're getting sloppy.

Wow, so I get to just give out my email address to any random person.