Live N Learn

Wow, now THAT'S something. It's not often Apple makes a smart move for the consumer. Finally something I can wrap my head around.

Wow! Thanks Apple for allowing more garbage to be released into the world!

Just turn down the volume for the browser. Problem solved.

They never downloaded an app or just never downloaded an app FROM their iPad? Big difference. Depends on how they answered.

Are you trying to say all Lion's look alike? That's NOT ok uncle Jesus!!!

That's exactly what I thought. Custom apps will be huge for this device.

I'd rather find a vertical mount or wall mount. Mounting it under my cabinet would put it too low and in the way.

So that's what they're calling it now?

Next time, tell your model to brush her hair...

So the whole point of that video was to watch lines go across the screen? What else was there? What's the BFD?

This has been done at least a million times with a PC and laptop.

You can do that with 24 drives now and all in one machine.

Whoever measured the blade of that axe, failed! They measured too far back.