
"We can't actually PASS abortion legislation because then we would lose that as a means of getting fundamentalists to the polls"

"I'VE GOT IT! We pass it when we KNOW it will get vetoed or fillabustered. That way we KNOW it won't pass but we still get credit for trying!"

Not to try to make this less awful, but people with severe mental disabilities often have severe physical disabilities as well, resulting in them being much, much smaller than usual. My mother cared for a live-in severely handicapped child from when he was 15 until he died at age 21, and I don't think he ever broke 50

Come on now. Pregnancy is your own fault. You don't deserve special accommodations for something you choose to do, as opposed to something outside your control like losing your license due to repeat DUIs.

It was an honest mistake... she meant to call them thugs.