
Go choke on pussy you troll.

No. If I say "Men will lose more than they gain something if women achieve parity" I don't need to clarify that at all. Because if you think that makes equal rights sound like a bad thing then you are working way too hard to appeal to men. Men will lose more than they will gain. That's fine. That's good. We can leave

So you don't think white people benefit from institutional racism?

Honestly, I am very suspicious of therapists that explicitly do cognitive behavior therapy. I have suffered from severe anxiety and depression off and on for many years and was enormously helped by therapy. But I actually tried therapy six times over the course of ten years before I finally hit upon a therapist that

"Nobody is 'redistributing' anything." What do you mean? We have already redistributed things. At one point all of the congressional seats in the US senate were held by men. Now something like 85% are. That is, literally, a redistribution.

Thank god you clarified that for us all.

I have to disagree strongly. If were, in the future, to have equal rights as men, men would loose out. Money, property, political offices, and formal academic, intellectual and artistic recognitions are not in limitless supply. If we were to begin redistributing those resources so that in the future women possessed

This is pointless and actually counter-productive. The idea that you can show white people how hurtful ethnic themed parties are by having a white party implies that there is or ever could be such a thing as reverse-racism. There simply aren't any stereotypes of white people that white people can be injured by. White

Yes. Your comment should be much further up than it is. Isha Aran's "reporting" on this story is really irresponsible.

That part hit home for me, quite literally. Bending over backwards to accommodate a man with a drunk driving record is absolutely something that would happen in my home town. It really depends on where you live. Where I live now there's a problem with drinking and driving. But people are ashamed. Where I grew up

Right? People act like reproducing is some kind of biological process that bodies are actually designed to carry out. You know what's really a biological imperative? Me downing this entire bottle of scotch.

I guess if you're Black, female and under 18 you're supposed to wear a school uniform at all times so people can differentiate you from all the teenage bar floozies. And after you turn 18 military garb or clothing clearly displaying your university's logo.

I'm sorry. What the fuck are you talking about? Davies worked closely with several women on Dr. Who. Julie Gardner to begin with. He also brought on the first female script editors the show had ever had. He asked J.K. Rowling to write for the show. And he brought on a female script writer.