
His full name is Mount Killamongaro.


That wasn't Rabin, that was Rowan Kaiser.

That's Bun Girl you're thinking of.

The British version of ER is A&E (accident and emergency).

But you've had so many team-ups with mutants, Spidey!

Somewhere, a polar bear dies.

Can't we all just get beyond Thunderdome?

I was once told that butterflies are free, but that didn't stop me from spreading them on my toast.

Gluten, schmuten, all I want is a communion host that doesn't burst into flames when it touches my tongue.

The correct term is "hog anus sandwich."

It's about a baby with a driving license!

Harry the Bastard!!!

He doesn't swim in money; he swims in a bin full of antique typewriters.

Now I want one more than ever!

Voiced by Gilbert Gottfreid.


Except for Phil Collins!

Can't even spell "beetle" right!
