
But back then at the end of the news Walter Cronkite would say "And that's the way it was," and then vomit on his desk, so I miss that.

(laboriously coloring Logan's clothes blue and yellow in each frame)

Not only Shang-Chi's nemesis but also his father!

Harry Alan Towers
Harry Alan Towers
Harry Alan

Report and block, my AVC friends. This comment thread is worm-ridden as an overripe apple.

Neil Patrick Darris?

I was in sales for 25 years, and the most effective answer that impressed my stores was "I don't know. Let me find out and I'll get back to you." Apparently very few other reps in the book sales world were capable of that.

I would love to see one of the British political show hosts headline this next year. Someone like Adam Hills (not British but Australian, but he headlines a British show) who doesn't pull his punches in calling the reprehensible members of our governments (on either side of the Atlantic) stupid twats.

Everybody in this thread is so feisty!

Good plan. This will be much harder to bootleg than her collection Björk's Greatest Hits As Performed by Icelandic Birds, available on 36 wax cylinders.

"Barge glut chokes U.S. shipping sector despite record harvest"

I loved "Five Children and It."

(Union Carbide factory appears on screen)

The Vitara was recalled on the way back to its dealership.

(running up, out of breath) Here's one more that just came in!

Is it his delicious roasted chicken?

The previous message has been brought to you by evil Earth-3.

I honestly wish the press would do more double-downs on their condemnations, so I like this idea.

So, Jack Black?

Are you gonna eat that fry on the floor?