
I never discuss any kind of financial windfall in or around my vehicles. Doing so will cause one of them to need a repair for nearly the exact amount of money I am getting.

The answer to many of life’s little roadblocks.

Worked at a non union business delivering forklift propaner tanks. We would take them in full, the customer would use them and we would bring them back to refill. If there was a problem with one there was a little tag to fill out describing the problem and we would repair it. I delivered to a major freight company as

80 Series?

Just you wait. Eventually those who choose to drive older cars so their habits are not tracked and so they are not flooded with advertising will be labled extreemists.

I was just thinking that my Land Cruiser would be fine on the sand.

Came here for this.

“I have 0 sources so I will make up my own stat.”

You win

Chinese car companies blatently copy other brands for years. They lie when confronted with it and swear they are completely new ideas and now we are going to invite them into our market? No way in Hell will I buy one of their vehicles. If they feel safe lying about souch a glaringly obvious thing as design copying

As a parent of five I agree with this.

Guns of varying “calipers?” Is Brembo making firearms now?

This. The Land Cruiser community tends to treat other owners like family or long time friends. When I bought mine the center differential lock was not engaging. I posted about it in a forum and had advice, including pictures of what part I needed to find under my truck, coming in from all over the world. No one sees

As a Land Cruiser owner, unless you make a large amount of money, using one as a commuter car is not the most economical decision. That being said, it is a rare drive when I do not think of how lucky I am to own one.

My ex wife had a first gen G20. It was actually a pretty fun little car to drive around before the engine ate itself.


I get the whole freedom of speech thing, I guess the question is how far does it go. What’s protected and what’s not. If I put a sticker in my window that said “Your family should burn to death in a house fire because you voted for or against something I believed in or didn’t” is that still ok? Is it ok to get in

128k miles? No way no how for that money.

I drive an 80 series Land Cruiser which is fairly uncommon around here, so that helps. Also, the website stickers on the front window of my truck and my wife’s car are the only ones like them in existence. Makes them pretty hard to miss.

Here? A Subaru Outback. There’s so many of those things around that they would never pick yours out of the crowd.