sounds more like an Iron Eagle sequel than Top Gun.
sounds more like an Iron Eagle sequel than Top Gun.
I’ll try to explain it for you in simple terms:
How is this moron not stuck in the Greys with me? I’ve been here for the last 9 months and never said something that stupid.
Ever had the chance to drive a GT-R on the streets?
I hear Bond discovers the evil plot as he stops for 2 hours at a charging point.
I hate you. Have a star.
That Popemobile is probably the best SEAT in the house.
How much truck could a box truck truck if a box truck could truck truck.
You don’t mention the most important legal detail, what was the billfold wearing at the time?
A Yugo was also a very minor plot point in the Dan Akroyd/Tom Hanks Dragnet remake that nobody remembers.
Pardon me, but do you have any yellow mustard?
Definitely outside the warranty period, but have a seat in our lounge and I’ll see what my manager can do for ya.
Hey, it’s less than a 1994 Toyota Supra.
Not all of us in the greys are shitheads. Some of us are just stuck here in comment purgatory forever.
I could watch these guys attend an insurance seminar.
Cars And Coffee And The Furious