Never before have I heard anything but praise for her professionalism, talent, and workplace courtesy, so...
Never before have I heard anything but praise for her professionalism, talent, and workplace courtesy, so...
You actually think that what he said wasn’t totally insulting? He said she’s not ready to be a film actor. Imagine someone telling you that you aren’t ready to do the job you’ve been doing for decades. Just think on that. He didn’t present it as a personality clash.
To be fair, she’s only done 40 movies. And he’s directed 3, so he’s totes an expert on the industry
This guy just shit his own bed. I expect an apology is forthcoming.
Also, Cronenberg!
I’m trying to imagine how he thought this would go for him. Like, it clearly sounds like something happened to piss him off royally at her, but he’s gone rage-dumb if he believed he could say that about an established actress and it would cause a problem for her.
He also called her a model. My eyes rolled so hard.
That is completely how I read it too
So, she totally rebuffed his flirting and he’s taking his hurt fee-fees to the media, right?
I'm sorry. Stop the...whatever you stop in blogging. Did this jaghole just call ADAM LEVINE a proper film actor and KEIRA KNIGHTLEY is not? Those words do not make any sense in that order. No.
Doing it twice takes a miracle.
A good cat eye often takes prayer.
The original Italian article mentions that she left him because he hit her (well, they call it “a violent incident that disturbed her, though she chose not to denounce him, possibly because she was concerned that it would cost him his job”).
crime fanatic here, what that lawyer did is actually a pretty common technique for defense lawyers. When someone is doing too well on the witness stand the lawyer will intentionally act like an asshole so that when the jury remembers the witness on the stand, they won’t remember what they actually said but that the…
I was a patrolman before I applied for sniper school. As a patrolman, you meet the lowest of the low and the worst scum humanity has to offer.
A very dear friend was abused by her ex-husband. Despite bruises and marks proving that she had been assaulted, the cops laughed and joked with her ex and told my friend that if she wanted to press charges, they’d have to press charges against her two because it “takes two to fight”.
Police SAID they found no evidence. That in no way indicates the truth of what they actually did see. I’ve had police literally look me in my little 8-year-old face with a grown man’s handprint on it and say they weren’t going to do anything about it and that they had no idea what was going on there. Long story short-…
I shared this on another post, but when I was testifying on behalf of a friend who was the victim of domestic abuse the defense attorney explicitly asked if I had punched my friend myself to frame her abusive ex. Thankfully the judge shut him down, but gross people gonna gross. Her asshole ex did three months though,…
i also really respect - as a fellow ex-mormon - that she doesn’t shy away from saying that the church fucked her up. i like that she calls out specific behaviors and dialogues and people who told her the wrong things. i’m impressed she does it with as much gentleness and dignity as she does.
idk how she bounced back from the horror she dealt with. its pretty miraculous. she's heroic.