
Ah headgear. I wish I had the moxie that my 4th grade self had when I had intense braces+headgear. I wore that ugly ass shit like it was a badge of honor. 30 years later, I ugly cry because I can't fit into my pre-baby clothes. WTF happened to my life?

Are you implying that they appear to cute, but are carriers of virulent forms of STIs and are pretty much stoned all of the time?

No Ragrets!

I don’t know about dye, but nip bleaching is definitely a thing😖

I'd be scared too, if I was making sense of Cthulu

If you want to simulate all of the symptoms of a bad case of norovirus, just go on reddit redpillwomen, gags

Are you trying to say that someone hasn't been murdered in her basement mall?? I just took that as a given. What do you think those dolls do in their spare time?

Are you referring to the one about the mannequins who come alive at night? Because the thought of Bab’s terror-dolls coming to life and taking over the ice-cream shoppe would make an excellent horror movie.

This happens every few years, I think the last time it was a Damien Hurst in London. Isn’t it high time that these artists stop abusing cleaning crews with their post-modernist clap-trap?!

By weird do you mean punchable?

For fucks sake!

That's exactly how I mentally pronounce her name. And it irritates me every single time I see it in print(thankfully not very often).

Maybe this will encourage someone to pick up the torch? I need an “extra special” handcrafted, OAK, site to highlight these special goods.

Right there with you sister :(

Cheeky, moist, panties?😲

Thank you for affirming my life-choices! You are a voice of reason amid the seemingly endless, pontificating parenting think pieces. I vote let your children entertain themselves(while being overseen by a reliable family pet) and then when try to get in on the iPhone fun you have the opportunity for a teachable $$

Needs more mesh shoe with swollen foot-flesh oozing out!! Kim is really getting to comfortable this pregnancy and I will not have it(says lady eating cheese and crackers in bed, so is obviously a craven monster).

Tulum. The tag line should be.” For people who want to explore Mexico...and not have fun.”


I prefer to call that non-gift; bouquet of gnats. How is this nastiness still a viable business plan?!?