Come down to Austin and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet children named Atticus. I must admit that one of my fave outcomes of the GSAW release was the upset it caused pretentious fucksticks who named their kids Atticus.
Come down to Austin and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet children named Atticus. I must admit that one of my fave outcomes of the GSAW release was the upset it caused pretentious fucksticks who named their kids Atticus.
Why don’t teenagers skulk around and do psychedelics on the sly like we did when I was a teen(obviously back when we rode dinosaurs to school, because I’m as old as dirt)?!?! Leave those pastries alone!!!
Whoa, what! 30yo-40yo parents of 15-21 yos?!? I just turned 40 and am busy wrassling with my toddler’s problems, there is no way you can blaim a 20yo’s misbehavior on me or my cohorts. Sure my son licks the sprinkles off of donuts, but only after I’ve paid for them and toted them home from the store. I’mma have to up…
I'm totally with you on this. Sorry TKMB fans, but the south was a very overtly racist place when these books were written and it is contextually correct for that to be a component of the characters. So sorry that your feelings are hurt by discovering that Atticus Finch was a man of his time and place.
All day, erryday
This is extra hilarious to me because the phase, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” literally came about during the Prohibition/Great depression era when bars would put out sandwich type nibbles for the drinking customers.
I don’t care what they call it as long as I can still rent sweet, sweet audiobooks from their store while I absentmindedly pocket old-fashioned stick candies from ye olde country store, while on a road trip.
I loved eating at Sambo’s in OR circa 1980, but even as a 5yo I knew that the pancakes were delish, but everything from the signage to the placemats were racist as fuck. It's astounding that even one is still open.
Call me jaded, but I feel like until there is a cholera outbreak all of these people are whiney complainers who just got a free side of haunted house with their film. Going to the movies is a luxury. I know that when I go to the midnight show at the local dollar theater that the seats and floor will be slimy/sticky…
Maybe we'll get real lucky and they'll remake Pretty Woman >:(
Girl, anyone can pickup Dipbrow at Sephora
Are you shaming me for natural, sensible fear of dinosaurs? SMH
Whatever, Yoko
Excuse me, at Whole Foods there are no employees only partners. Just ask Mackey.
Austinite here; I’ve always preferred the Foodhole, because that’s where that overpriced shit is going.
Ding, ding, ding, yep. As an only child of two crazy-ass narcissists who have each been in and out of my life for long periods of time, I concur that this is basic narcissistic parental reasoning. And just the fact that he could write this out and not pick up one single clue about the disconnect in his relationship…
I think she's Special K o_0
She'd get a lot more leeway in the dating models arena, but I think she'd still be able to ride a wrecking ball because it would show what a force of masculinity she is and would probably get cast in a super-hero movie
Well, when you have a uterus that thinks nothing of just taking an afternoon stroll around you’re body(endometriosis etc) sometimes that fucker needs to get jacked. Anyhoo, I’m sorry to hear that you may be headed down the same road, it hasn’t been as fun as the brochures promised(make sure that your dr gives you lots…