Little Richard Hell

I listen to the show, & while I have some issues with it (e.g., Georgia omits details that she deems too gruesome and isn’t as good of a storyteller as Karen.), I enjoy it. But important? I’m not sure about that. Seems to me the strength of the podcast is the charm & chemistry of their friendship. Curious as to why

I watched the game, and that ref was having a really bad day. I’m always down to go full-conspiracy theory, but I think it was a case of fucking up and then fucking up again and her having that in her head as she fucked up more & more spiraling into an absolute mess.

I mean, it’s an E! show. We both know how this is going to go down.

I get that everyone on the internet is a lonely shut-in, but people who engage with the world and still keep up social bonds have varying ways they can show affection to each other. Coming from a Hispanic family, I had to watch the gif a couple times before I realized people thought the kiss was weird.

I use a rag on a stick.

I use a rag on a stick.

there’s some bad words in there, but he also says “count” a lot. See, Your Honor? My client promotes education in his music.

congrats. you’re one helluva bootlicker.

right. you’re all over this and other threads. you’re clearly a busy guy! and lololololol at you thinking what you’re doing contributes anything valuable or (hahahahahahaha) intelligent to any discussion. but please keep up the impressive contortions as you defend pedos.

you can take the piece of shit out of the sewer...

Christ, man. Yeah, we all know about A Modest Proposal. While it’s great you just read about it, save us the book report next time, & get to the point. Speaking of which, what is your point?

hahaha. keep replying to everyone forever and ever, chimo.

oh, so you’re just a chimo. thanks for clearing that up.

project veritas? lolololol. swallow bleach, dipshit.

lol. so you’re gonna spend your day stanning for Woody Allen? Fuuuuuck, you’re pathetic.

All these words defending a scumbag just because you really liked Annie Hall. You lost about 7 comments back. Close your computer, go for a walk, and get a grip.

Hey shitbag, America will be the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world by 2050, and there’s nothing you can do about it. LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Your reality sucks, and your fantasies don’t sound much better.

Please. Sweetness left the building awhile ago. Voting for a sexual assaulting narcissist isn’t sweet. Banning Muslims isn’t sweet. Ripping apart families to deport people isn’t sweet. Worshipping money over all else isn’t sweet. Frankly, you deserve scorn, and I’m sure you already don’t mention you voted for Trump in

...and yet you’re still so very sad. For some reason, you’ve chosen to lick the boots of a grifting slimeball. His cronies control Congress, and they’ve done nothing except pass one shitty, short-lived bill so they can loot the treasury on their way out. It won’t help you, but anything to give libtards an L, huh? This

I’m calling it now: Trump will somehow drown in his gold-plated toilet.