Little Richard Hell

Yeah, as a kid, that scene haunted me more than anything else in the movie. I didn’t know why at the time, but I think it’s because it reveals that there is no empathy in this universe. Laughing at someone who was just maimed was so foreign to me and revealed a cold, unfeeling world, and that thought chilled me to

Put the Prices in a wood chipper and fire their remains into the sun.

This is dumb, and you should feel dumb.

Dusty has a knack for making the wrong decision at every turn. Pull a pitcher? Leave the guy in? The smart money says ask Dusty and then do the opposite.

Simple. Effective. Perfect. +1

I admire your efforts to teach humorless ding dongs about what’s funny (& you’ve been clear and concise in your points), but you’re wasting your time. Let these people stew in their crappiness.

I miss the days when people who had no idea about what’s funny just shut the fuck up.

I feel sorry for your mother.

You are the corniest of cobs.

Why is this so hard for people? My guess is apologies are hard for people who exclusively hire & surround themselves with ass kissers.

Nah. Dum-dums need to hear that they fucked up. If having your feelings hurt makes you vote for a curdled sack of piss milk, then that shit-headed vote is inevitable. Whether it’s one of us libtards roasting you online, or a Mexican dude peeling out on your street like a boss, or a woman rightfully laughing at your

Stop commenting

“I was hanging with a very hot girl (don’t ask. you wouldn’t know her and she lives in Canada) watching sports, benching 600 lbs., and eating raw meat when this smoking hottie (!!!) got up from my lap, where she had just had 20 orgasms from rubbing up against my massive dong, took my phone, and wrote those texts,

It amazes me that bootlickers like you want old, rich white owners to have even more money. They don’t do shit for the team except continue to be rich & make bad decisions their employees have to steer them from, and yet you want the charismatic, talented stars to make less. Why is that? What could it be....

You would be a fucking Nate. Fuck off, Nate.

Why are you trying to have a moment of leisure at work? Back to the mines with you.

Take the flag, roll it up so it’s a nice, fat, red-white-and-blue dick and just suck it all fucking day and night. Leave the rest of us out of it.

Go out there and break a hip, Lou!

Everything you mentioned has been written about ad nauseam, but since I’m laid out after minor surgery and you seem nice, I’m going to run it down for you briefly: