Little Richard Hell

“Won’t anyone think of the people with shit for brains?”

An inquisitive mind and asking for help are signs of weakness, which is why I’m going to eat this raw chicken instead of asking my wife how to turn on our new stove.

What a piece of fucking shit.

I would think a celebrity of her stature would be above vaguebooking, but per usual, I would be wrong.

Goddammit. +1

Some things are legal but immoral and others are moral but illegal. File Nazi punching under the latter

I get where people are coming from when they’re reticent to cheer or condone violence, as you are. But, we’re not talking about a guy who was just popping off after a few drinks, or who just has some political differences. This is a guy who believes 36% of the population should be ethnically cleansed. That belief is

“Won’t someone think of the Nazis?!?!”

It’s great that you named the logical fallacy you’re employing in your own comment. It means you had a bad idea and contradicted it in one fell swoop, so now nobody else has to. Great job!

Where have you been? Breaking Nazi faces is already the hottest sports trend of 2017.

Won’t someone think of the hypothetical ambulances?!?!

I second the Crystal. It’s magical. Just don’t put it on when you already stink, ‘cuz then the whole thing will smell like your assy armpit. I found this out, uh... from a friend who did that.

Some Warriors fans have been cheering them on since even before the 2000-2001 season (Oh, God. The horror.). Trust me. There’s no way you hate the tech fucks pricing us out of home game tickets more than us.

The graphics on that comic suck, and there’s too many words on it, libtard!

So you’re stupid and humorless. At least you’re up front about it.

Yes. Yes. Yes. People’s ears are broken, and they’re so easily taken in by vocal masturbation.

I wasn’t sure so I looked it up and SoS is 4th down the list, apparently.

I agree, and it appears as if there will be further investigation into Russia’s role in this. Even if votes were compromised, I suspect Clinton’s overconfidence in the states that mattered damaged her more than any Russian meddling did.

True. As much as Ryan is an opportunistic slimeball in his own right, I seriously doubt he would’ve gotten his hands dirty helping Trump get elected via Russian meddling. It’s no secret they’re no fans of each other.

i’m fine with that.