
The world is crying out for a female Sasha Baron Cohen, who can puncture someone like Trump, the way Borat did for George Bush’s America. This isn’t her.

As a Muslim she has a right to make those jokes. As a comedian, Mirza needs to recognize when a joke is falling flat or having an unintended response.

You get a star just for the Clayton Bigsby reference. Oh, Chappelle: where are you now, when we need you most?

Now playing

I agree with you; people making fun of their own culture while bringing others in on the joke, is a comedy staple.

How about this; this was just sad and a poor effort all around? It wasn’t funny and her back might be sore from punching down so far with some of the #funny #stereotypesarebasedintruth #sorrynotsorry bullshit?

I must agree.

Yikes, this was painfully unfunny.

Grace continues to deny the allegations against him.

The fingerprint sensor used is a passive capacitance swipe sensor originally developed by Upek (Which Apple bought). It measures the difference in resistance in the the ridges of the skin as the finger is “swiped” across the sensor. Lack of blood flow (dead) will quickly cause this capacitance to change, so the answer

He has an F rating regarding the NRA (i.e. they hate him because he doesn’t support them or take their blood money). He lives in a heavy hunting state, Vermont, so he’s well aware of the good people with guns and uses for them, but he wants universal background checks and gunshow loopholes to be closed. To claim he’s