
The world is crying out for a female Sasha Baron Cohen, who can puncture someone like Trump, the way Borat did for George Bush’s America. This isn’t her.

As a Muslim she has a right to make those jokes. As a comedian, Mirza needs to recognize when a joke is falling flat or having an unintended response.

You get a star just for the Clayton Bigsby reference. Oh, Chappelle: where are you now, when we need you most?

Now playing

I agree with you; people making fun of their own culture while bringing others in on the joke, is a comedy staple.

How about this; this was just sad and a poor effort all around? It wasn’t funny and her back might be sore from punching down so far with some of the #funny #stereotypesarebasedintruth #sorrynotsorry bullshit?

I must agree.

Yikes, this was painfully unfunny.

Grace continues to deny the allegations against him.