
That could be it. She appears unthreatening to people, while mounting trenchant criticisms of them. Like, Rick Santorum appeared - in studio - to be interviewed on her show. And, it is a little known fact that Pat Buchanan was the one who brought Maddow to MSNBC. I suppose congeniality goes a long way.

Now playing

I agree with you; people making fun of their own culture while bringing others in on the joke, is a comedy staple.

Her persona should instead be a raging braggadacio doucheball Trump supporter. It would open up more opportunities for gags and commentary, Clayton Bigsby-style: “Nobody loves the Koran more than me!”

No, Maddow hasn’t interviewed him. But I do find it quite interesting that she has laid very deep into Trump in her show - his birtherism; his hucksterism; his incitement to violence. And yet, he has never once made a peep out of it on Twitter, or anywhere.

With one exception: Rachel Maddow. Maddow has gone quite deep into what makes Trump, Trump, and he has never attacked her. In fact, he has said he likes her show. I would love to know what is going on there.

That is a very tenuous shoehorn of topics. But you get an A for effort.

The scary thing about the Goldman Sachs transcripts, is that someone on the GOP side - Ted Cruz’s wife or one of Donald Trump’s golf buddies - is waiting to leak them in the general election and Clinton knows this. She’s decided that all that matters is getting through the primaries, and hopes to sustain any damage

Although she has been campaigning since the 90s, she hasn’t moved on from that era’s mode of political communication. It’s probably hardwired, at this point.

The last Democratic debate was actually very good, if you happened to have watched it. They got into the minutiae of policy. Maybe you have it confused with the GOP ones, where they talk over each other and make dick jokes?

If you think political debates are morally reprehensible, you are part of the problem, not the solution.

That is a miserable thing to learn. It becomes a self fulfilling prophesy, though. The more people go around saying “all politicians are assholes” - or whatever - the less likely it is that good people will enter politics.

Thanks for visiting the debate thread. See you in another four years.

I dunno, you commented on an article entitled How to Stream Tonight’s CNN Democratic Debate, No Cable Required. And now you’re getting stroppy that someone is giving you pushback on your view that debates are revolting and that you are not interested?

I think you are just rationalizing disengagement from politics. And what gets my hump the most, is the tone of your original comment, addressed to “everybody”, as if everyone agrees with your sentiment that all politics is awful.

It’s politics. It’s rough and tumble. It’s an election season. Do you want milk and cookies?

This debate is held in Flint, Michigan. So, it might be of relevance to voters in that state. Maybe the primaries have ended wherever you are, but other people are just tuning in.

Carson had raised $31 million by the end of September

You are talking out of your ass. Nobody is talking about Soviet Communism, here but you.

We’re already at war with them.

When Key talks to reporters, he is able to talk past them, directly to voters; the people who listen to talk radio etc. That is his talent. When people vote, they are either voting for John Key, or for Labour, the Greens, etc.