
Really? Breast pain? Like the knotted balls of aching hell I get every month for over a week? If you would, tell me what to do! Taking off my bra is dreadful during that time, it hurts so much. TIA!

All I could hear in my head is a quote from Joan Cusack's character in Working Girl: "Sometimes I sing and dance around the house in my underwear. Doesn't make me Madonna. Never will."

I know. We had a $400G medical event this year. During this, I saw some celeb extravagance show. Kids with so much money... And here we are. My best to your family. xo

Add me to the list of people happier due to your grandpa. Because, awesome. :)

Okay, okay, Denise Huxtable for Gordon Gartrell; but I hear she's up and coming.

Best laugh of my day! xoxoxoxo

I find it reassuring that you see it this way as well. It's obvious this woman is suffering. What is it about her specific case that makes it okay for people to treat her like a joke?

I think so, definitely. The ending wasn't so much a cliffhanger as incomplete in that they had plenty of story left. I so enjoyed this last season even more than the first. I'm disappointed there won't be a third.. Meanwhile, Men at Work returns. Good lord.

Sinnomean is my new forever favorite word. Could it be more perfect?

Not okay to me. When my kids were that age, I was still breastfeeding and always looked that thin. Someone looked at me and asked, "Is that even healthy?" Like I was to blame.

Thease things must not go unnoticed.

We've read the same things. Seriously. I used to adore her and then...who was it, Lainey (?) that set me straight? Hope her little girl has some peace and a relaxed childhood.

$300 is what I've been told, and my dentist is really expensive. I know people have different experiences, but I did try one a few years back that was OTC. It was the kind you heat so that it forms to your mouth. Never in my life have I had such extreme jaw pain and headaches until using it. I threw it out.

Good lord, until today I only vaguely knew of her from the commercial. What a disgusting person. (My husband calls our oldest, "Buddy." I feel so much rage.)

Last night, my little girl told me she will hear footsteps behind her (in her room) and turn to see a shadow. I said, "I work from home all day and I've never seen anything! Our home was built in the 80s, so it's hardly an old creepy mansion. Besides, it's probably the headlights of cars passing your window." She

I liked "What to Expect the First Year" and the book after that (What to Expect Once You Realize You Ain't Never Stoppin' Worrying or something). When I was pregnant I read cover to cover all the pg books. This was great to refer to, read the chapters you need, etc.

I've heard that phrase a million times and for the first time realized I know not what it means. Had this movie had any appeal, the question would not have occurred to me.

I found a scorpion on my little boy's shirt in his closet. That freaked me out. Then the way they come strutting out of nowhere. Years ago, my dad found one as he put his leg into his jeans. Stuff of nightmares, I tell ya.

Junebugs like to die in shoes. Crunchy! And I guarantee you I do not know what a Mayfly actually is. These things look like leaves at first and I guess what I'm seeing are wings. Everywhere. Ugh.

I'm so thankful we do not have those. Gross. This week we had huge rains and everything outside was covered with tiny thin wings, even my front porch. Try to sweep and they go airborne. Mayflies? I don't know, just damp, dead, ick.