Little Orphan Funkhouser

Haha I don’t think saying I’ll Venmo you is quite the hipster millennial dialog you think it is. Anyway even though I know they can’t really I’d be super cool with all of the kids being written out of the show. Carl, Debbie, and Liam are not interesting to me.

That would be fucking awesome. A chance to be in that world again...

I think I’ve just fallen out of the wavelength for this show. I still enjoy Arrow and legends is fun but man these last two episodes have been so bad. Becky was grating, a Joe’s old house storyline, Wally relationship drama (at least he left Central City!) and that terrible wedding scene. Oofa but judging by the other

I found nothing fun about the Barry/Iris relationship drama. So dumb every last bit of it and they have no chemistry to sell any of it. “Because we’re Barry and iris”give me a fucking break with that.

This may have been the worst episode they’ve done. The writing of Barry, iris, and their relationship is so god awful.

For me, I don’t think shows and movies should have to shy away  from this stuff. These shows are trying to “hold a mirror” to society and yet they run away from things when they get “too real”.

Wow just about all of these look like they fucking suuuuuuck.

Damn I’ve never had to use ad block on my phone before get I’ll have to start. Thought maybe this was just glitch with the site. Fucking kinja

Why do I have to sit through a taco Bell ad anytime I click any link on this mobile site? Literally anytime I go from page to page on here it’s another taco Bell ad.

Ohh a couple of dopers huh

I liked Vinyl, it was fun. This I feel won’t be as “fun” but I’ve already found it more engrossing.

Hahhahaha, maybe she has a doctorate on it, but it is so fucking silly acting like queso is "new" outside of texas. I'm also calling bullshit on this story "A friend from Houston once said she’d bring a pot of queso to a party. My Upper Midwest Yank friends and I reacted with blank stares. ". REALLY, your upper

This Lisa Fain is on some boooooooooshiit. That or Michigan is at least 30-40 years ahead of NYC on the whole velveeta, diced tomatoes, and queso game. This article is hilarious.

What about Bobo Bowie?

That's true….I don't even know what to think anymore.

I have no qualms about it, just doesn't seem to fit in with the whole Team Arrow ethos.

I must have totally missed this it at some point but can anyone explain to me why no one cares that Wild Dog runs around guns blazing just straight up shooting people every episode? I admit I don't always watch the CW shows that closely.


Pretty much what other people said. Season 2 was really good although the ending I thought lacked a little. And the Hotel season I thought started off pretty strong but it was stupid by the end. If these were 8 episode season that actually wanted to tell a story instead of what these actually are I could be more

I'd roll with Justified being the best modern western. Shout out to Bone tomahawk also.