Little Orphan Funkhouser

I thought Ben hoffman's "the Ben show" was pretty awesome when that was on comedy central for a month but I can see why that doesn't exactly light up everyone else's eyes

Nice interview!

Thanks i must have zoned out!

The name is whatever to me but that scene of them giggling was just weird.  I thought I missed something and had to rewatch the scene before I realized they were laughing about quake. I thought there was some oxygen deprivation being hinted at there or something lol.

How did Kora get back with the bad guys at the end?  She get teleported by Garrett?

I wasn't going to watch this show but then the guys on the watch pod called it true detective meets boardwalk empire.  Couldn't resist that combo and it turns out that's about 100% correct and I'm loving it.  Haven't seen the fourth episode yet but this is another solid HBO murder mystery with all the trappings. 

I think what this season made me realize is I'm kind of over these characters there isn't a whole lot new to do with them at this point aside from the big team up to take down the 12 even though episode basically said, feh, they are too powerful.  Although at 8 episodes I'm sure I'll watch the next season.

What I liked about the original penny dreadful was that while it was very character focused you also got cool horror shit.  There is a severe lack of horror shit in here and the characters are just not interesting enough.   

Whigham is so goddamn good in almost everything he is in.  The drunker and greasier the character the better.

I feel like the comics are better than the TV show simply because you can burn through it quicker and the slower stuff just doesn't take as long to get through.  That said, the Rick Grimes hero worship in the final volume is laughable and I'm not sure you can even pull that off in a live action show.

I was a big fan of this season too they really got me with the satanic cult stuff and tying it to the kid was fun

Great post, I loved this season! I just loved how propulsive this season was compared to the extreme slow burn of last season.  I liked season 1 just fine but this season was bug nuts in all the ways I love.

Man boy is a great new character, that actor was really good in high flying bird and American Bengal.

This was honestly one of the best episodes the show has done. Keeps getting better.

Wonder if this will be better or worse than 2036 Origin Unknown!

I am done with show now an forever and it feels so good.  What a dumb season. 

Lol Clarke as Thanos

I don’t think Jaime’s arc was ever that he was going to go from a shit head to a hero.  It was always these fits and starts of him doing something heroic and then him back sliding.  Cersei was always his #1 and I totally bought that in the end he’d go back to her.  Sometimes, even with good intentions, people don’t

It’s almost like she's going mad or something

I really liked this movie, I watched it laying on the couch and didn't nod off at all, that's the highest compliment I can give a movie I watch on the couch.  The helicopter scene was no mission impossible but it was tense!