Little Orphan Funkhouser

I want to know!

I hate the bitching about fast travel. I just choose to believe that the various story lines are not all happening in conjunction with other, and more or less time passes between scenes in the different story lines. We don't have dates for any of this stuff we really don't know how much time has passed to allow for

Huzzah for Hawaii 5-0 coming back one more season! I mean did any one see the episode where the villain of the week was a guy in a damn iron man suit!

Just one calorie, taboo!

Yeah I get it, business reasons and all that. From my irrational perspective it's the one procedural I've stuck with in recent years and I just want to see it keep going. They are coming up with some crazy ass shit in the weekly plots.

I don't care about the bands of the time period, but I really enjoyed this just as a show. However, I do love Goodfellas, Wolf of Wall Street, Boardwalk Empire etc so this is right up my alley. It does have familiar themes and plots but I don't mind revisiting if it's entertaining. And I think it is.

Leave Hawaii Five-0 alone, I enjoy turning my brain off on a friday night and soaking in that sweet sweet Hawaiian scenery. It's almost as lush as the sexual tension between McGarret and Danno. They were in couples therapy this year! Haha seriously though, keep it on the air!

Hahahahaa Stone Cold Glare mode is exactly right. God what a little asshole. The combo of the writing and his acting almost make me believe the writers want you to root for his death by vampire and that it might actually happen this season. LIke he really is or is going to become a villain. I haven't the read the

And motherfuck MAMA too, critics seemed to loooove that, and it's just some CGI not creepy at all ghost and shit.

Yup, yessir. I look to part 2. Ziggy is coming back!

Just having some fun, I'm not actually like, angry at any of these movies. Saw some people mention the Descent and Trick R Treat, I'd throw those on there too. Session 9 was good. I honestly would need to see a list of all the horror movies released in the past 15 years, some shit you just forget about even when

The Strangers fucking sucked too

House of the Devil, House of a 1000 corpses, Conjuring, Sinister are some others I'd put up there.

Martyrs, that's the movie.

Loved that movie, such a slow burn.

Fuuuuuck Pan's Labyrinth that's not a horror movie. And it was boring. People will kill me for that on this site but I wasn't into it. Martyrs, now that's a horror movie, 2-3 different types of horror all in one. And stuff like Zombieland, What We do in the Shadows, fucking Shaun of the Dead those are comedies fuck.

I saw Ant Man this weekend. I really liked it. I really would rather see another Ant Man movie than another stand alone Iron Man adventure. Is Ant Man really that much of a lesser hit? I don't remember the first Thor or Captain America movies setting the world on a fire, it wasn't really until their sequels that

Pretty much what everyone else is saying. I did think it was somewhat better overall towards the end where they kind of got rid of the case's of the week from what I remember. But better as opposed to the beginning of the season not saying much. I do love the look of the show though.

I actually do really really like it. The first season was maybe not great, but starting with Season 2 it embraced I don't know, maybe a little more pulp? Seasons 3 and 4 even start to interject some much needed comedic moments and quips. I'm not good at being a critic but yeah I enjoy it and I'm happy that they are

Yeah I didn't include it just because I don't think it's on the level as those other 3 but it still has it's moments. Those extended episodes really drive me nuts.