Little Orphan Funkhouser

Fuck yes, 8 episodes sucks but I'll take any Boardwalk compared to none. And has any television season seen so many awesome shows go away at once? This season we've got Boardwalk, Justified, and Mad Men all leaving. 3 of my personal favorite shows ever.

I thought the point was that Cerisola would help them get the super violent Fausto in jail, in turn they would let Cerisola take over the drug market IF he kept the violence to a minimum. Plus then Cerisola could feed them insider information on other cartels crooked politicians or whatever. There is always going to

I guess he could of tried, but he was in a fight with someone who wasn't exactly some little bitch. I mean if I were the kind of guy to get into fights, I'd like to make sure they always went how I wanted them to but I don't think I could swing that.

I know jack shit from the comics but he was fighting to save the entire planet, so what's worse one city takes a bunch of casualties or the entire earth just fucks off? Legit Q not being sarcastic. I see this criticism a lot.

It's strange, I only really remember Rubicon having a really great like 4-5 episode stretch but everyone seems to act like we missed out on the Wire or Mad Men or something. Checked the old AV Club reviews and it appears it got all A's and B's. Wasn't the whole wife and conspiracy angle both kind of dumb?

The voice could be fairly ridiculous and made me chuckle many times, "HE MUST HAVE FRIENDS" but I guess it didn't rile me up. Certainly wasn't a drain on any of the movies to me.

People got sick of the Bale Batman? Which people? The whiners and complainers on this site? Pretty sure all 3 Bale Batman movies were pretty well received. Dark Knight Rises never stood a chance at matching the box office or word of mouth of The Dark Knight but it was still a good movie. Or maybe I'm remembering

Haha Todd and his "and in the end, that's what such and such is really all about" after rambling on for 10 paragraphs too long.

Michael Rapaport has been amazing this year. Just a couple great quotes I can remember:

I think by time we see all of next season, it's going to be clear that these two seasons are basically one extended season. Which would explain a lot of the moving pieces around and one off stories of this year.

Didn't know that, what the fuck happened over there? Did everyone involved just kind of give up on this show?

That's even a better idea. I'd be fine settling into just Chicago or New York or Philly or Tampa or anywhere else in that universe. Rid us of Nucky and I wouldn't be too upset.

Well can they give Boardwalk Empire an extra season then? I honestly was hoping that thing would run for a long time, it's gotten better each year and there are a lot of stories to tell.

I've got your old seat open at the dodger game for you!

I've got your old seat open at the dodger game for you!



Ninja_Squirrel of course there is a middle ground.  But this is a TV show so people are making extreme choices.  Middle ground is boring ground.  I think ZMF is just saying, its entertaining as shit watching Walter White grow up to be a full on King Pin.  And it is.

Ninja_Squirrel of course there is a middle ground.  But this is a TV show so people are making extreme choices.  Middle ground is boring ground.  I think ZMF is just saying, its entertaining as shit watching Walter White grow up to be a full on King Pin.  And it is.

Does it really matter? I don't know, but I'm just guessing it was done for effect, and so they could get a shot of all of them on a bridge.