
I was pretty pissed after reading this article. Making light of things like the above sends the wrong message, and I’d expect better from Jez frankly.

Seriously.  Kinja is broken, and it has nothing to do with Krispy.  And I love how this person didn’t have the guts to use their real account. 

Oy. Fuck off. These Shelter Update posts are the only reason I (and I suspect some others) still check out the SNS.

Her name was Nikki Kuhnhausen. Say Her Name.

I habitually tuck my feet up under my bum when I sit because I have always been short, and having your feet dangle off the edge of an chair HURTS. Maybe she has a similar issue?

I agree with you now. This column sucks, the first response actually suggested cheating. Nope! That should not be an option.

Agreed. Check out Dear Prudence over on Slate, much better IMO

Last week I complained that this column was too much “list all the obvious possibilities and offer no real insight or direction” and met a lot of people strenuousy disagreeing.