
100% agree, I want to see more like this but...BETTER! More makeup, try ALL the products, get more ladies, tell us about your skin type, wear it all day, come back on camera at the end type stuff!

Oily skinned Fenty 110 shade here! I’m still on the fence about Fenty foundation. I have VERY few foundation options and cystic acne so I need this shit to cover well, and stay put. You may be okay, but I’ve been struggling with it going dry and chalky on me even. Worst case you can always return it though! I will say

This is exactly how I got fired, so tread carefully.

Seriously, Jane is great at some stuff but that was terrible advice. She’s somebody I would absolutely be friends with IRL but I’d always be “Oh girl, NO” whenever she tried to give advice. I don’t think I’ve read a single column of Ask Jane yet that hasn’t made me angry. :(