I plan to quote item #6 verbatim today. With attribution, of course.
I plan to quote item #6 verbatim today. With attribution, of course.
Agreed. I work with a professional voice talent and he gets edged out by celebrities who sometimes come to his studio to record. Ouch! Just let the voices have their slice of pie.
Happy Friendsgiving Day to all of my people who are blissfully estranged from their family of origin and get to spend holidays with their found family. I have so many horrific holiday stories with my own awful family that I can’t tell them all in one sitting as the listener’s expression goes from “this is delightfully…
I was a bridesmaid in my cousin’s destination wedding by the sea. It was lovely and as the night grew late, I volunteered to round up the kids for a sleepover in my cabin so the other parents could stay up and party. My husband was a big partier and stayed with the others. But for some drunken, self-absorbed reason he…
Are rehearsals different from sound checks? Because she tweeted a photo from rehearsal. https://twitter.com/MariahCarey?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Tila take a, Tila take a bow
Grab the grime of this world by the crotch, dear
Audible gasp!
Got properly drunk on New Year’s Eve. Rolled into my house just as the room started to spin and headed straight for the back deck. Barfed over the side and felt much better. Feeling right proud of myself for tossing the poison before bedtime and probably dodging the worst of the hangover, I put myself to bed. Next…
Bipolar + alcohol is a bitch. We all admired and praised our manic alcoholic, who was larger than life and seemed like she could achieve anything. She could work harder, smarter, longer than anyone. She overcame a horrible childhood, became influential and made a fortune early in life. I envied her oversized…