Honey Badger MizK

I was over at A.V. Club, posting about This is Us, and how I would also go back into my burning house for the dog(s). Someone told me this was a horrible thing to do to my children. I said I don’t have any children. I was then told that when I did have children I’d understand. I responded I’m 49 and 1/2 and have 4

Привет, comrade!

What drives me absolutely batty about that argument—aside from the incredible lack of humanity and the selfishness and short-sightedness of it—is that they’re paying for the healthcare of people who don’t take care of themselves regardless.

How to Not Die in America

On the second Tuesday in June, I start to feel fluish. If this is 2016 and I’m still a freelance writer, I’m losing

OK. I believe you. My dad said he liked that, but I have a friend who hated it. So i never bothered trying it. BUT YOU’RE GIVING ME HOPE. I’ll grab a thing when I head to my CO-OP, HAHAH! I’m not a smelly hippie i promise! I saw they made a charcoal one, I’m hesitant to try it because I’ve trashed a lot of shirts with

No!!! I mustn’t be denied the opportunity to see who wears the most ridiculous hat at this wedding. I’m waiting with bated breath!

Good point. And note what she says about Hillary in the same column:

Me @ bearded Jon Hamm:

We have been conditioned to be passive and accepting of a tremendous number of technological errors and malfeasances, and to attribute them to bad luck or “that’s just how the world works,” rather than demanding that the technologies behind the errors be fixed, and the owners held responsible. It’s extremely creepy.

Jezebel staffers how dare you make me cry at a video about a baby hippo.

Make like a tree and leave! Amirte everyone!??!

Even better, if you don’t just not-hate birds and actively love them: plantnbird-friendly trees in your yard (northern bayberry and winterberry in the Northeast) and read about Agroforestry. This kind of farming creates a small forest that many tropical birds love and use. If you’ve ever heard about shade-grown

As a descendant of Jefferson Davis (according to that one member of our family who actually cared about genealogy), I think every statue of Jefferson Davis should not only be torn down, but somehow incorporated into the local sewage treatment plant. All the other confederate asses too.

Becoming Ugly

In 2001, when I was about 14 years old, my male friends invented a game that went like this: one of them—and it was