Honey Badger MizK

Or, you know, kicks him in the groin but is just kidding.

Trump is the first president to invite Putin to play hopscotch on the White House lawn in 50 years since Johnson invited Brezhnev over for a game of tetherball.

We just purchased two new couches. The cat has decided that they are both his. I mean of course that’s who I got them for. He needed more furniture for his indoor jungle gym.

I just feel like those images of Tequila should be from WWII from one of the smaller anti-Jewish groups in Allied Nations, but, then, I realize they are in color and the fashions and stuff. Then, I wonder, “What the hell?” This is so fucking bizarre.

It seems small cheese, in light of recent events, but I hate Nutella, too.

1. Good luck with all the decisions you are facing, now. I love the Southwest and have often thought of moving there, but seem permanently rooted here in the Northwest.

Would it be possible to get some late teen to early 20's bikini clad women in there, too? I mean, it wouldn’t be a proper Extreme Sports Cheerios commercial without them. A Bud truck, too. I think we need a Budweiser truck to drive up. That would be cool, bro.

This isn’t the greatest answer, but I like what James Joyce said, “Art is the human disposition of sensible or intelligible matter for an esthetic end.” The rest of that reading is a bit more telling, and it leaves us to define things like sensible, intelligible, and esthetic. I feel, though, it is a good beginning.

Someone should have come up with:

While this wasn’t on MTV’s Liquid Television, I just go really nostalgic for The Maxx, Aeon Flux, and Beavis and Butthead. I miss those days.

Uh huh.

I think we agree/disagree. There is definitely a happy medium. Most teens certainly wouldn’t be offended by the obscenity but that’s not quite my point. I didn’t say that teenagers would be offended. References to licking an arsehole or comparing students to pedophiles is the type of language used to create hostile

I agree that most students will not be offended by vulgar or obscene words, but some are. I disagree with your interpretation of my post. Demeaning, to me, is just the next step in breaking professional boundaries. However, my students - most teachers’/professors’ students - come from diverse backgrounds. Some of

Word. I say funny stuff all the time in class, but it doesn’t require me to be vulgar in any way shape or form. She’s just obscene as far as I’m concerned. Also, it’s my duty to demonstrate to students what it should be to have a colleagial relationship with everyone I work with. This simply doesn’t fit the bill.

I just want to star all of you in this thread. There be bicycle haters here and there ain’t nothin’ better than gettin’ out on your two wheels. I just don’t that much because my city is dangerous as heck and my body is middle-aged. Long live all you bicyclists! Ride on, my friends, ride on!

I will double check these delicious, green fleshed fruits for the stickers that say California. Thank you!

I mean... This was... This was my eating healthier change that I made: eating avocado on toast. Eating avocado on toast instead of butter, and, now, you’re telling me that I am killing the land that the monarch butterflies go to do sex things. This just sucks.

You’re welcome. I like your handle. Makes me think of a punny crocodile or a great music style.

Everytime I see a picture of Pitbull, I can’t help but think of