Woody Harrelson is happy to be there and stoned out of his mind.
Woody Harrelson is happy to be there and stoned out of his mind.
I just want to say I’m sorry about all the shit that is raining down upon you right now. I, also, want to say thank you because you’re post reminded me to pay my property taxes this very damn minute and, therefore, the mortgage company won’t be on our asses to reinstate escrow. Hooboy.
Whoa. I think I agree with Yoko.
It was good! I never know how my concoctions will turn out, but this will be a regular Friday night, long week drink I think.
Is Harry Styles Yokoing?
That is lovely. Gets me thinking about Carl Sagan.
I know what he means, but either you love people or you don’t. Frustration with another’s actions is not a reason to want to beat someone. I see shit and piss and garbage, but I don’t want to beat people for it. I just see his posts as a contradiction.
Kevin Hart confuses me. First, he loves people. Next, he wants to beat them. This is not a good relationship.
I am just starring EVERYTHING with a Hiddles gif cuz um... you’ll have to excuse me now.
Well, I must be doing something right because mine look womanly.
My God Yes.
Muslin fabric is sooooo nice. ;)
Aye. I teach high school and we start at 7:20 a.m. Seriously some of my kids miss class b/c the sleep in or are still asleep when the arrive. IF we started later we would probably have a higher attendance and passing rate, which looks good to administrators at district and state levels. But no.
Yeah, if it’s got boobs and legs then it’s fair game.
It was. I love backpacking in Yellowstone. There are so many beautiful, amazing, wonderful animals, landscapes, night skies, natural phenomenon to see that it’s hard to surpass for a natural area and National Park.
The scariest animal encounter I had backpacking in Yellowstone was when I rounded a hillock and less than 20 feet from the curve was a Bison On.The.Motherfucking.Trail. It was not going to move. It huffed, stamped its hoof, lowered its head. Thankfully, it wasn’t a rogue bison but a younger one. We were very creative…
The Bison Association of America (TM) prefers you refer to these incidents as “miscommunications” or “instances of playful acts” as surely no Bison would attack a human being making sqealing noises whilst staring into a glowing rectangle and generally being annoying attempting to extend human-Bison diplomacy.
Raising hand. Well, yes, the books are organized. First, short story collection. Next, poetry/poetry collections. Next, fiction by author. Next, Art books about Artists - yes, Art with a capital A in this house. Next, how-to books. Next, non-fiction. Next, Art Criticism. Next, cook books. And, there’s more, so much…