Honey Badger MizK

Right. The first thing I think of is assault when I see this, not bullying. And, even if it is staged, it's a kind of depraved, glorification of violence.

She managed to tick off all three.

Eeeeeee. Aaaawwww. They are so freakin' cute. Do I have to go to school today or can I just fantasize about my own little garden space made just for kittens? I can do both. All must be balanced.

One thing:

I would, also, like to say that I most certainly DO NOT dance with them while NOT singing to them. Certainly not.

I HAVE NOT repurposed Pinky and the Brain songs for my cats NOR have I ever, ever repurposed songs from musicals for my cats (How do you solve a problem like Mudita? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? How do you find a word that means Mudita? ad infinitum). NEVER EVER EVER. I also never make up songs about my

I have nothing add to this except that I read, "Poop! Poop! Poop!" when the article image appeared. Poop. Poop. Poop.

It's not even a sign of mental gymnastics, toddlers and young children do that with fantastic results. This is mental apathy, which is what makes it so infuriating. They could put forth effort and be humane, considerate listeners, but it isn't worth it to them to even exert the energy to do that.

This ties in with Vygotsky's theory on education, that it is inherently affected by our social and historical backgrounds, which has further implications when talking about gender and race in regards to performance on tests. Radiolab did a really good job of addressing this for the layperson in the first 30 minutes of

Helping women close the farting in public and wearing one-pair-of-pants-for-a-week gap since the 1970's. Does eating frozen tamales and consuming beer for dinner count as helping the hot pockets and beer gap? Because I feel I'm making strides there, too. Big womanly strides.

I was wondering the same thing. Low fat cereal has been added to my list of Western food atrocities, which includes cookies with EXTRA FIBER and VITAMINS (!!!!). What next, low fat butter?

Um, yeah, too old. Right, right, g.o.p. Too old. Or, maybe just too female. Maybe?

Really, do I have to be bloated from the antibiotic? Isn't that kind of like adding insult to injury? Yeah, yogurt, fiber, blah, blah, blah. And, it's hot. Bloating is so much worse when it's hot. And, grad school. Fun but during the summer, ya know? Really hard to concentrate during the summer.

I was support staff and had no interation with patients, but we, too, had to do the handwashing seminars/videos. It fascinating that some people just didn't ever get it. Please wash your hands. Please.

I'm one of the underemployed and have three cats at home who are already smarter than me - I feed them when ever they ask, see? My husband is super smart; he's got lots of degrees and doesn't kill anyone. I celebrate every rout men make into professions like cross stitching, knitting, bon bon eating, teaching,

I just can't really, um, respond because, um isn't this society... No. Not going to work, is it?

I understand not ducking out from an important meeting, but do you think this is indicative of a larger problem with business? I like to think that a business would support a parent/caregiver in their parental/school duties and encourage them to ask for the time off they needed, and hour here and there, outside of

He, um, looks good swinging a stick.

That cover rocks. It is so so so hard to look at.

First Answer: A good book designer, who won't just get the cover right but the fonts, paper, and arrangement. Trade paperbacks seem to have more thought put into the cover design than other paperbacks. (Trying to be more than nostalgic.) I feel like while a few book designers put a great deal of effort into designing