Honey Badger MizK

This so reminds of the Friends episode when Joey comes back with a great fitting pair of pants only to imply the tailor gets a little, um, intimate. Chandler returns from the tailor feeling completely violated. Yet, the pants fit.

Could you, uh, tilt your head a little bit more to your right? More. More. Lean just a little bit now. Yeah that's it. Your a perfect fit for the frame?Is that a puppy?

See, I would do the opposite and tell them I was eating Chili Cheese Fritos for lunch and dinner as well as consuming multiple Monster drinks while playing online video games (okay, I don't play them so I'm probably using an antiquated term) in the evenings until 2 in the morning when I finally crash and sleep for

*shallow breathing* *more shallow breathing*

Just wanted to say, try a wine tasting where the vintner, if you're lucky, leads you thoughtfully from whites to reds to desserts. The first time I did this is was eye opening, and, because I did this at the vineyard, we got to ask the people who pressed and processed the grapes about their wines and discuss our

While it is unfortunate that a woman threw pubes at Jackman, it is, also, fortunate for the opportunity it provides to ogle his handsome visage.

Good. Better to know. You deserve to be well. Take care and let us know at the next SNS.

Thirding the doctor visit/urgent care. Mr. MizK had pains near the liver as well as gastrointestinally and, following feeling better, white poop. He was urged to go to urgent care and found out he had a swollen liver. (This occurred twice before he told me and sought help. It was episodic.) Doc thinks the flu virus

I was just thinking the same thing. This is going on my Helps Me Feel Better list. She rocks.

I can't buy all the books, but I'm going to head to the library and check them out. (Will certainly check out the other authors you name, too.) Good luck and thanks for all your struggle. It's important.

I didn't notice either. The one on the right was so striking that it took me a few moments to notice the prosthetic, and then I thought, "Cool."

Poop is SO important. Mr. MizK recently had an inflamed liver for what reason is still yet to be discovered, which resulted in white poop. White poop is bad news. Very bad news. So look at your poop and tell others!

For some reason it's my impression that some housewives in the 50's, 60's, and 70's used amphetamines and dexidrine in order to overcome boredom and keep up with housework. That may be, however, a drug war/culture myth. Anyone?

I'll skip the intermittent fasting unless by that you mean the time spent not eating between snacks and meals. However, I'll take a copy of the 4-Hour Work Week. Is it a work from home sort of job?

Yes. This. Thank you. And, it fluctuates with age and experience. What's nice about the gender/sexuality spectrum is that it isn't static. Sometimes it's easier for people to cling to what they've known and experienced rather than what's happening in their present situation.

While I understand you are trolling, I am familiar with Tarantino's oeuvre and Kill Bill, which I enjoyed immensely not only because Tarantino is an excellent storyteller but his references and nods to other film genres pleases me. That said, just because he's made a handful of films with female leads, that does not

If my brain worked like that, I would take you up on it.

There once was a lass from Fuckery,

Having just watched Django Unchained and admired the soundtrack, this strikes me as something that Tarantino needs in one of his movies. That movie, too, should have a badass female protagonist with access to many pieces of fine weaponry.

I like to think of Red Green as the great arbiter in how to fix things: duct tape. Duct tape will keep his penis in his pants.