
I’d like to see a movement encouraging men to publicly own past shitty and abusive behavior towards women rather than encouraging them to show their ally bona fides. It’s much harder to own past shitty behavior than it is to ingratiate yourself with all the cute feminists in your network by tweeting generic support.

Abusers have serious sociopathic tendencies that asking they actually put the burden on themselves is extremely futile.

I made a post on Facebook asking why there’s no social media movement for men to post on their pages about and ask what they can do about gender-based violence. It took under 40 minutes for a male friend to comment back and say he was once groped by a woman and therefore I was being unfair to men. This was

If you look at the comments on pretty much every article about this, it’s pretty obvious nothing will change in the long term. Why? Because for every sincere comment there’s at least one “whataboutthemen” or “I just won’t talk to women because I’m afraid” comment. Until men decide to view women as human beings, call

Nothing will come of it. It will change nothing.

Aimee thank you!! For this article. I agree with you and Jessica Valenti, who said that while women should have the freedom to share their stories, it’s the men we should focus on and she mentions the “Shitty Media Men” google doc that names men and multiple offenders’ names are highlighted in red. These are

#MeToo just makes me tired, because as usual, it’s women doing all the work to raise awareness. Wake me up when men decide to take action.

I’m more impressed with the fact that she changed nail polish some point throughout the day.

She did this to herself??

Obligatory gif.

And here I am struggling to change into a second shirt because I don’t want to do laundry sooner.

Blake, it’s time to get a stylist. I know you think you know what’s what, but I’m telling you, it’s time to hire a professional. I mean, we all have teeth but I’m not about to do my own dental work, ya dig?

Absolutely nothing.

This column is why liberals, democrats, progressives, leftist and greens lose. It accepts the enemies framing as reality, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Over a million dollars? So, quite possibly less then two million? When the Koch brothers have allocated an approximate 889 million, in their deranged mission to create dystopia? Advocating less social spending, less health care for poor Americans, less control of pollution, more fossil fuel investment while

Kinda hard to argue that the American voting public largely doesn’t care what celebrities think when have a C-list celebrity (with no other qualifications) holding the highest office in the land right now...

Agreed completely about getting money out of politics period, though I admit, I don’t get where this idea that he was such a huge donor came from. Maybe openSecrets isn’t as reliable as I thought? But really digging into the contributions there, Hollywood seems to TALK a big game, but fail to donate any significant

A very very good reason to get big money out of politics.

I think we should keep his money and use it to get women elected.