
It all comes down to what, exactly, we are comparing to Nazism/the Holocaust/Hitler and how we do it.

“Let’s dispense with sloppy comparisons and, while we’re at it, assume that Holocaust comparisons are henceforth off-limits.”

Until even Squarespace and Audible refuse to buy ad space.

Richard Simmons is the sweetest guy. My mother is the author of a bunch of beach-read/comedy crime books. They sell well and she has great fan base but she never thought that a celebrity was reading them.

I really hope this means people will stop following him and writing stories about how he is ‘missing’. That podcast was truly invasive and irresponsible. This man owes nothing to anyone- he can ghost just like any other human being. His closest relatives and friends have repeatedly states that he’s fine, and two

Goddamn. What an asshole.


i hope that she gets what she deserves out of this situation, but it is so disheartening that he would straight up steal her idea and took it a step further by getting funding for it. how did he think he would get away with that, his other “work” should be checked because it probably wasn’t his to begin with. i

“Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey.”

Haha the source is acting like he’s in a goddam 5 Step Program for dating hot young celebrities. Such a struggle!

Dude just needs to stop talking. Period. He has no filter and sounds like a creepy idiot 90% of the time.

Equally logical and likely:

Like she’d have time for a relationship AND her dedication to ambiguous causes?

“This concert was a major challenge for him. 5 years ago he would have made a move on Kendall and Hailey, but now he exercises restraint.”

Too late.

That’s creepy, John Mayer.

At this point, I think they’re actively trying to copy The Onion:

The only way Kendall Jenner would be smoking hot is if you set her on fire.

Nothing like a 39 year old creeping on a 21 year old.