
I know it’s not relevant, but. . .I really want to believe that you still have actual AIM installed as a legacy program, complete with away messages and overwrought Dashboard Confessional lyrics.

Can you tell that to the guy I dated a few times over ten years ago who dumped me after a political argument but still IMs me “hey” 2-3 times a year?

They are pretty people that have been told they are pretty their whole lives. They would be dull and mean; the worst combination. That said, still would bone brad till the cows came home. I knew I was gay after watching “Troy”

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie bore me.

Or cord-dial conversations, the hipster podcast about old/retro corded telephones.

hopefully its received well - in addition to having a face for radio, i’m told that i have a voice for stenography.

cordial conversations is going to be the name of my new podcast all about fancy drinks.


Where did they go? Tel Aviv and most of the major cities, in my experience, are pretty multicultural. Jerusalem is too. Although that’s a bit more complicated, because you have LITERALLY THE BIRTHPLACE OF THE 3 MAJOR WESTERN RELIGIONS all tied up in that city. If you went to Birmingham, AL or Lakeland, FL and

Thanks for this. Very well reasoned and sensible. Especially for pointing out Hamas’ genocidal beliefs and intentions.

My mama never had to tell me that men deserve rights, because they’re all somebody’s daddy, or brother, or son. I guess I just took it for granted that men were human being deserving of equal rights and treatment, regardless of their relationship status to women.

That’s bullshit. I don’t have to have ever met a black person in my life to know that they deserve rights equal to any other person, and you shouldn’t have to meet or love a woman to know women are worthy of respect and rights. It is an extremely common thing for people (not just men to say), “What if it was your

Of course that’s the only way for a male to have any idea what it’s like to be a woman. That wasn’t my point. My point was it is infuriating as a woman to hear men say things like, “Every woman is someone’s daughter/sister/wife/girlfriend/whatever. We should support women and fight for their rights because you

See, I’d say it’s the other way around. Comedy isn’t for conservatives, because far too often their idea of “funny” is to simply point to a member of a fringe social group and say, “Hey! Isn’t it so crazy that people live like that?!?!?!?!?!!!1!” They think that a guy dressed up like a woman is so inherently hilarious

Thank you. I am a Zionist and a feminist. I am critical of Bibi and many of the policies. Just like I am critical of the United States. And most of Europe. And everywhere. For some reason, people say it’s only Israel that shouldn’t exist, though....

Zionism necessarily entails the support of the Apartheid Israeli government and their racist policies.

Wrong- the only thing Zionism necessarily entails is the EXISTENCE of an Israeli government. I am and always have been highly critical of Bibi Netanyahu’s heavy-handed tactics. I think his record on certain issues, such as Palestinians, is awful.

Whaaaat. Are you really trying to say that conservatives have a sense of humor and progressives don’t? Come on, now.  

Dear self-proclaimed male feminists: STOP fucking saying that you know women deserve rights and you know this because of how much you love your wife\mother\daughter\girlfriend\sister\whatever.

The belief that Israel should be a sovereign nation is the antithesis of the belief that men and women are equal?