
As a busty girl I am SO OVER women and gay dudes grabbing my tits. Your lack or either a dick or desire to fuck me does not make it OK to touch my breasts. And I seem like a bitch when I say so. I hate everyone.

ugggghhh who breaks words in right-ragged text? Who allows 2-letter turnovers?? AMATEURS

Jezzie love is never off-topic, my crisp and modestly-nutritious friend. <3

I really was trying to pay attention during this article but I kept whispering ‘She-EO’ and tilting my head from side to side like a confused dog.

OT and I’m grey so no one will see this.

“I never said anything remotely connected to fat shaming. I suggested eating fruit and berries in this conversation that never took place.”

I have three pairs and am wearing them right now.

Lisa Bonet has a walking hat rack.

LOL. This confused me so much. It was completely out of the blue but i guess they were doing a preemptive strike.

My reaction to reading SHE-EO. this why I got this email the other day?

Equal opportunity dipshittery. Truly the American dream :-/

FAKE NEWS. I have three pairs and am wearing them right now

So, she went around wearing a big Black Hat and no one realized she was a bad person? Millenials really are stupid.

>Agrawal did not respond to a followup question about the difference between a CEO and a “SHE-EO.”

In some ways, Agrawal being a sexually entitled douchebag is progress. 30 years ago, who would’ve thought that a young women would be in the position to sexually harass her employees and otherwise abuse her power.

Hipster capitalists are almost adorable. 30 years from now, every company is going to make press releases like “Yo, we aren’t really doing healthcare coverage right now, but we treated all our employees to a mandatory ayahuasca retreat with Shaman Randall, so....”

That’s because women are human beings just like men, and human beings can be awful and depraved. So-called benevolent sexism/paternalism at work in the thinking that women are like children or something and therefore not capable of even the horrible things that men are more frequently thought of doing because their

What is this country coming to if CEOs can no longer fondle employees at will, or hold nude staff meetings.

Thanks Obama.