

FYI from a grown woman who resembles a 10yo boy (medical on) these are legitimately horrible on us skinny folk too...sure you don’t need a bra if you don’t actually have tits, but no boobs+skinny shoulders and chest+this shape of top=an old-school nun’s headgear on a toothpick. Not good.


At least the young, thin, flat-chested demo is getting plenty of flattering options. WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE THIN GIRLS??


This is why men shouldn’t be allowed to serve in the military. They can’t stop themselves from sexually harassing their colleagues, so they should stay at home where they belong rather, than degrading the nearly spiritual glue that enables the infantry to achieve the illogical and endure the unendurable.

Back in the 80's, a young woman with whom I attended college enlisted as a way to cut the cost of her education. She chose the Marine Reserves because they offered the most generous package for college students. After her training and going through a bunch of cycles of the weekend activities, she said that she could

If the military can criminalize adultery, I am lost as to why they are so befuddled about how to criminalize revenge porn and sexual harassment. They know that their service members and veterans will freak out if they are told they have to act appropriately so they don’t even try.

I hate that fucking “aw shucks” bullshit. Also, aside from all the bathroom bigotry, HB2 specifically prevented cities from enacting their own civil rights protections. He knows all of this, and yet wants to pretend it’s some simple down-home wisdom while still asking for $$$ for consulting. What’s to consult, Pat?

I love how they trust the doctor when what they do is convenient to them. But ya know when they try anything like say... abortion... then of course they can’t be trusted. Or some shit like this.

Its’s just like MLK said - don’t judge McCrory by the thinness of his skin, but by the content of his press releases.

Poor guy, he feels unsafe! He was triggered by the protestors! He can’t help being a bigot, it’s just how he was born - ask his doctor!

Yeah my mom is a nurse who used to work for a pediatric endocrinologist. So.......the type of doctor who gets called in when even the “regular” doctor can’t solve the old question of “boy or girl?” because it’s actually WAY MORE FUCKING COMPLICATED THAN THAT.

Half a billion dollars might seem like a lot of money but only if you look at it from every conceivable angle.

I think men oughta use men’s locker rooms and showers.’ People are reluctant to say it for fear of backlash, for fear of being called a bigot, and that’s the worst of our country going on right now.

The response from the N.C. Democratic Party was beautiful.

Sure, if you judge him by the legislation he enacted, he comes across as bigoted.

Man ensures state he runs loses half a billion dollars in revenue, is shocked when people don’t want to hire him to work for their company.

He has every right to complain. I’m sure it will be extremely difficult for a former state governor to find low effort & lucrative lobbying work. Especially a Republican.

Oh fuck this guy. Welcome to being an adult, your shitty hateful actions have consequences, and one of those consequences is that everyone thinks you’re a shitty, hateful bigot now.