
You had me at “so much penis” so stop selling!

A BIGLY amount of penis.

despite whatever horrors may result from Trump’s presidency, the Smith children will continue making art.

the public is invited to deliver the words “HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US” into a camera mounted on a wall outside the Museum of the Moving Image, New York, repeating the phrase as many times, and for as long as they wish.

There’s going to be so much penis.

I have a feeling this will go the way of Chat Roulette, but you do you Jaden and Shia.

Good point. I’d actually be way more interested in a documentary that examined the parents responding to this ad on behalf of their young daughters. That is some seriously twisted shit.

I have to admit I am super curious as to the thought processes a stage parent has when considering whether to audition their child for the role of JonBenet Ramsey.

So this is supposed to be, like, Meta or something: “Look at us looking at this while you are watching us looking at ourselves?”

Irony defined:

Isn’t a child auditioning to play another murdered child kinda weird?

My kid is pretty, tho a boy, so while we get lots of comments on his looks in public, there’s thankfully little pressure to put him in one of these. My sister, OTOH, has a pretty daughter and has been trying for years to put her in shows. My dad told her that if she did, he would straight up kidnap my niece. She got

Thank you for this clear-eyed, non-sensationalistic assessment of the phenomenon. I look at ads like this and feel not so much “fascination” but rather like I’m simply being bludgeoned with the macabre. It’s a dead subject and it stinks.

I read the article, I generally love Reynolds’ writing, but a trailer for a movie of over exposed sad-eyed babies vying for the dubious honor of playing a *murdered* over exposed sad-eyed baby is too meta and also horrifying for me. I’ve had my fill of horror for the week and it’s not even Inauguration Day yet.

December was the 20th anniversary of her death.

What’s with the uptick in JonBenet related exploitainment programs recently? I know people have always been fascinated by this case but it seems like within the last few months there’s some new much hyped special every other week.

Unfortunately, child beauty pageants are what’s going to pass for high culture in this country over the next four years.

You can’t make a movie about JonBenet Ramsey and have it not be lurid. It’s impossible. The subject matter is inherently lurid.


Each and every one of them should be taken away from their parents.