
Let’s not forget Sarah Jessica Parker’s ill thought out Leia tribute.

I’ve learned my lesson, too! (*gleefully flaunts $7 Cost Plus earrings*)

Oh, sure, let’s just ban people with three boobs from even leaving the house then!! Is that what you want?

Perhaps whoever designed that dress is really into Picasso?

I don’t KNOW but it looks like it hurts.

What in God’s name is happening with Anna Kendrick’s bosom there?

Karrueche’s dress wasn’t even that bad IMO. Sure it’s very ‘80s prom, it’s tacky, but there were some real monstrosities there.

In fairness, high-end jewel thieves and the law enforcement who catch them is 87% of the French economy.

Lifetime will have a movie ready for you in no time.

I definitely want to watch “Hidden Fences,” but not until I see that cult classic starring Sinbad, “Shazam.”

A veteran criminal gang with 3 women and a 72 year old master counterfeiter? Can we get a show about them? They sound infinitely more interesting than the Kardashians.

My Oprah gifs folder comes in handy because

yeah that is one scene and it’s super dumb. don’t judge the whole movie on it, it’s like 90% awesome and 10% disney.

Ummm, excuse me... the film is called “Hidden Fences”. I know this because the Golden Globes told me so. Do you people even check with Hollywood before you start posting stuff?

They had a ceremony/premiere at NASA Langley.

You had me at Octavia.

History is rife with examples of scientific contributions by women which were accepted but not credited. It was not just NASA that has done this.

It’s not a dichtomy. They were just cheaper and more easily available. Men could get better paying jobs in the industry. Best white women could find better jobs too or were getting married and becoming housewives. Black women didn’t have as many options and even if married still had to work. They were also unlikely to

I think it was a difference between the people who actually worked with these women, and the people at the top who cared more about PR.

I find it interesting that the NASA of the time was progressive enough to both recognize and make use of the potential of these women despite their gender and race, but still more than racist and sexist enough to make sure they didn’t receive any credit for their contributions.