
This is the only thing in the world that could possibly make the next 4 years bearable.

On Fixer Upper, they stage the house with furnishings from Chip and Joanna’s home goods store, so it’s not only their taste, it’s actually their products. (The homeowners can pay extra if they want to keep the stuff, otherwise it gets taken out after filming.)

Haha yes! And the “budget” is always super-duper tight until the second they see a fancier/bigger house they want, then suddenly going $100,000 over is somehow no problem.

I thought this was common knowledge. All the house hunting/home renovation shows are “faked” in a similar way. Personally it doesn’t make a difference to me, I watch these shows for the entertainment value of judging other people’s taste (and learning about the real estate market in random foreign cities on HH

I did not know this! Mind-blowing. He was on an episode of 30 Rock as a hot guy who goes on a date with Liz and then they realize they’re cousins. I’m going to need the rest of the day to process this news...

Oh wow, I didn’t realize that was a standard thing! (Duh. Now I feel naive.) The checkout person always says, “Oh, I hadn’t seen this yet, so cute!” or congratulates me on finding a good deal. Even if it is artificial, I don’t mind, because it’s not a whole forced conversation and I’m already making the purchase so

I love that April slaps him just like an IRL exasperated wife. Best TV couple ever.

Starbucks name are a great opportunity for wish fulfillment - mine is Mary, which is the name I wanted to changed mine to as a child, to the horror of my mother. (We’re Jewish.) Also much easier to understand and pronounce than my real name.

I don’t know who these“people” are. I’ve never asked why Republicans won’t vote for Hillary - on the contrary, I understand that perfectly. What I do not understand is why any thinking person would vote for Trump. That is an objectively poor choice.

loudly and wetly

Here’s one vote for ‘stay and watch his career go down with the sinking, rat-infested Trump ship.’ Pence is an anti-choice, anti-woman extremist.

Echoing another commenter who said to check if the vet runs specials - I paid $600 to have my dog’s teeth cleaned in August. Now they’re doing a 20% off deal for all of October. Wish I had known so I could have waited and saved $120! (Still absurdly expensive, but I’m in a high cost of living city so everything is

I have an intense need to know what the F. stands for.

Not in my experience! I know multiple couples who were dating before law school and stayed together. I think there is a tendency for lawyers to marry other lawyers, but it’s not based on prestige so much as the fact that law school can be a good place/time in your life to meet people you want to date.

There is a traditional story (which you might already know!) that when God gave the Torah to the Jews at Mt. Sinai, all “Jewish souls” were present, including all those who had yet to be born - the thousands of years of descendants to come- and that this includes people who convert or come to Judaism in other ways

Sorry, I realized after I said it that I unintentionally called out your sister, which I didn’t mean to do! And to be fair, I think often brides and grooms are not being exploitative, they’re just worried that no one will do a shower/bachelor party/etc if they don’t appoint bridesmaids and groomsmen.

Agreed. Plus, in this case, it’s a little bit shitty to the friends/relatives who were asked to be in the wedding party, since their sole reason for being included was to provide free labor and throw parties for the bride. IMO if you have a wedding party, it should be because you want to honor special people in your

Agreed, but Kate is actually one of three - there’s a brother, James (who no one ever talks about).

Is it useful as a general face wash? (I typically don’t wear makeup but this sounds nice!)

Is it useful as a general face wash? (I typically don’t wear makeup but this sounds nice!)