

Her real name is Erika Mitchell (which I only learned yesterday, from a Cracked article of all places).

Sorry, I definitely wasn't trying to call you out! I just reread and it definitely reads harsher than I think I intended. These threads have a way of veering into humble-brag "everyone outdo each other with how non-wedding-industrial complex you are," and I overreacted to an innocuous comment. Carry on with your

I was being sarcastic. The OP's entire comment was idiotic.

If "we are all headed to the grave" anyways, why bother being a (judgmental) jogging "warrior"? Just let your body begin its inevitable decay a few decades early!

"Alas, poor Yorick..."

I think if you're living together already, you can use the gifts as soon as you get them. If you're living in a different country, who's even going to know (or care) what stuff you're using? I'd say go for it!

The first time I heard her speak (in another charity video similar to this one, from a year or two ago) I was bizarrely surprised to hear her accent, like somehow my brain had never processed that she's British? It was a very weird experience.

The Gawker article also described her as "mother and designer of the Jessica Simpson Collection®," which makes it sound like she gave birth to a fashion line.

Seriously, what was the point of that comment? Thank you for this succinct response.

I don't particularly love Jennifer Weiner's or Jonathan Franzen's books, but only one of them seems like a petulant egotist. So.

I don't know what Disney did or didn't do, but even sans digital slimming, is it a great idea to put an actress into a constricting corset so that the little girls who go to see this movie can see that having an unrealistically (and, for most, unobtainably) small waist is beautiful and desirable? Particularly because

This is the face of a man who loves his money, but hates how he earned it.

My husband (then boyfriend) moved into together after less than a year, and while it worked out for us, it was very stressful at times. (It also depends a lot on what else is going in your life at the time - are you moving to a new city together? are you both employed and able to split rent and bills? do you have

Sally Fields

Yes, that was such a good point! I haven't read these books, but it does explain why so many women love the story, despite the objectively terrible writing, plot, and characters. There's always that first "love" that you'll do anything for, and it's not until years later that you realize he was a dick who made you

Why is the liberal media persecuting him by asking how the law would be implemented??? He's not a psychic - he's just the idiot that wrote the bill! How dare anyone try to hold him responsible for his own stupid ideas!

To be fair, the university is named after a famous Supreme Court justice. But it's still a pretty terrible first name for a child.

Yes, this. If your partner says, "I'm going to get up every morning at 5 am and train for a marathon!" or "I'm going to invent a robot dog and become a millionaire!" - it's easier to say "That's great, honey" and fake enthusiasm rather than bursting their bubble and telling them it's not going to work. Let them find