they are schrodinger’s food and blankets.
they are schrodinger’s food and blankets.
Bullshit. They are selling them for drug money or it’s a criminal organization looking to make a profit.
Damn straight. I don’t know why I was surprised, but this is the dumbest article I have read on here in a while.
No, socialism won’t solve this problem. Capitalism didn’t cause this problem. Gutting the criminal justice system caused this problem.
You didn’t use the word “Ok” agreed, but you implied a level of endorsement that implied that it could be situationally exceptable. However, hear me out . I live on the outskirts of one on the biggest laughing stock crap hole West Coast cities, (Portland Oregon) and it got that way rapidly using empathy as a tool…
<Um, what do you think folks are doing with the stolen goods? keeping them? they’re selling them for food and shelter.>
It’s California. If they want to steal food, they can do so with no consequences. They don’t need to hijack train cars, rifle through packages, transport them to a black market buyer, and THEN go buy food.
Yeah the old, “It’s insured” line always makes me fume. Do people not have the first clue about how insurance works? It’s not the lottery. It’s not the tooth fairy.
What do you expect from someone who was fired from Wirecutter just months into her new job there, for mentioning her position as “a journalist with the New York Times” (the NYT owns Wirecutter but she was not, nor ever was, a journalist with the NYT) in expletive-filled voicemails of her own opinion?
I come from a UP Rail Road family, I can attest that they don’t take security lightly; RR security is backed by Federal authority. Even getting caught riding the rails, you could be in for a s***ton of problems, muchless breaking open rail cars. However, I don’t think we’re dealing with an element of society that is…
I am super liberal but absolutely DO NOT like people stealing shit. I spent years working at a mom and pop lumber yard making jack shit for money and whenever we caught someone stealing it felt personal. Because that meant the company had to eat that cost and ultimately meant less means to give raises and so on. I…
Amazon has the choice to secure railroad yards owned by railroad companies? I know Amazon was effing huge, but I didn't realize they were Monopoly Game huge.
Yeah, I’m fairly left of center and really sympathize with people who are struggling, think the rich should pay a fair share, etc., but these are almost certainly just filthy junkies. They’re tossing shit people actually need and that DOES have resale value, just not to whatever scumbag fence they’re bringing this…
They are trashing the environment directly by just throwing the shitty items and all the plastic packaging out the side of the train, as visible in the photo right in the headline. Then there is the environmental costs of the companies having to re-ship these items when they don’t arrive the first time.
So it is the rail yard’s fault that it just looks too unprotected and thieves can’t control themselves.
This is 100% accurate. Big companies will never let anomalies affect their bottom line. It will eventually trickle down to the consumers.
Yeah they actually are.
This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy.
This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy. This isn’t a stick-it-to-bezos thing. This is impacting folks like you and me who work to pay their bills, then get their hard-earned shit stolen by someone who…