Little Enos Burdette

3) Why stop there. I blame the kid. Should have known better. Being 4 years old is no excuse for recklessly endangering yourself by not paying attention. That being said, see point #1.

Oh fuck off, you asshole.

Of course you’re wrong; it should have been your first thought.

Yeah this has been a huge concern of mine as a fan with a small child. I think at a certain point you just have to sacrifice those great seats in the interest of safety until the kid is old enough to wear their own glove and pay attention.

No, the Yankees are not at fault.

+1. Thread over

It should have been you, Zack Hample.

You know what’s hilarious? Reading articles from right after Dwight was traded out of Orlando. Four teams, multiple big-name players, several primo draft picks. Everybody was going nuts over what it could mean, the Lakers’ budding dynasty, the potential for rebuilding Orlando, and even the ‘fringe’ teams (Nuggets and

Not one T.C. in the bunch?

If you tuck in your Hawaiian shirt you should be kicked out of anywhere you go.

All those Higginses are going to be pissed!

Anybody going to take a stab at a Ray Lewis joke?

Hillary hopes these won’t be the only Wingnuts to celebrate victory only to end up losing much later.

Why do runners feel so entitled to their running that they feel like they can freely poop like this? This is not an uncommon problem, from what I understand. You can stop running to poop in a Starbucks,  even run home to poop. It will be ok! You are not less of a runner for pooping indoors. But you are less of a

Might need to get some forensic investigating going too...

Artemis needs to be on the case.

...but two Wongs don’t make a White.

Anonymous tipsters just told ESPN that Malzahn is just using the drunkenness as an excuse. The school discovered over the off season that he was actually two small men, Brad and Alex Wong, standing on each others shoulders.