Little Enos Burdette

Right on. I love charcoal, but I have a gas grill at home because I wouldn’t grill 1/4 as much with charcoal.

Charcoal is wonderful, but you know what else is pretty good? Turning a knob, pressing a button, and having a hot grill ten minutes later and then not having to deal with a cauldron of ashes a couple hours after the meal. That’s decent, too.

I’m pretty sure he died of cancer. There was a whole movie about it- Ryan’s Vogelsong.

There are three football teams in Florida you’ve neglected to mention.

“Twerking” may be the general name, but when you’re up against a wall and you go bottoms-up specifically for the Chargers it’s called “Ryan Leafing.”

Was he being pursued by FBI Agent Johnny Utah?

You have to look at it from the glass half full approach. You didn’t lose a shoe, you found one.

Very impressive. Every time I try to imitate college I end up unspeakably lit and lose a shoe.

That’s how you end up with an asshole kid

With a dick that powerful, she’ll just start shooting butt babies out of there.

Aww man. Just 7 more and he could run his own scrimmages.

For the love of god, just switch to anal.

I don’t feel this got the credit it deserves

You see that left thumb over there? That’s what Charlie Sheen’s dick looks like before his intensive moisturizing/simonizing regimen.

Oh, you beautiful sonofabitch.

Bengals or Cowboys. They don’t have a problem with Pryors.

Picked up by the Pats, has three seasons as an all-pro before being traded back for a 2nd round pick, and promptly disappearing from the face of the earth.