Sandoval has found much more success at his 37 plate appearances at Golden Corral.
Sandoval has found much more success at his 37 plate appearances at Golden Corral.
I’m a Pats fan and my sister’s husband is a life-long Falcons fan. They live in Orlando, and when we want to see family (and go to Disney and Universal of course), we usually stay at their house.
A friend of mine lives in the Atlanta suburb of Wheeling, WV.
“Every team is full of bandwagon fans, but Steelers fans really ghost on the team when they dare to flirt with going .500 or worse.”
Pittsburgh is a classic “we do what we do, and you have to stop us”. Which to teams like the Pats is fucking catnip.
I have to say that Pittsburgh was the best goddamn NFL experience I’ve had in this country.
God bless that city and its bars of cheap beer, stodgy delicious food and people who were so friendly that I thought I was being conned.
I love that goddamn place.
I would’ve given up my internal organs to see a Raven just spear the absolute living fuck out of Tomlin for pulling that garbage.
15-year-old Patrick Ponce has set a new 3x3 Rubik’s Cube world record at 4.69 seconds.
I am not a vet, but I find people that fly the flag 24/7 make me irritable. My understanding is that it’s supposed to be folded up and kept inside at night, and then head back up the flagpole again in the morning.
How do you feel about keyboard warriors who are offended on your behalf?
Remember that Salt Lake City cop who arrested the nurse for not allowing him to draw blood from an unconscious burn patient who was the victim of a driver fleeing a high speed police chase? You know, the unconscious burn patient they wanted blood from, hoping he had alcohol in his system before he sued the SLCPD? Yeah…
To save time, just throw it directly into your toilet.
“I don’t pay them for the sex. I pay them to leave.”- Charlie Sheen
Almost. Aguayo is going to get paid an inordinate amount of money to not do a job he’s not very good at.
Exactly! I’ll take a day of watching football over a day at the beach ANY TIME. That’s easy. No question. Also, you can still have BBQs in the fall. So, the argument that having outdoor parties is a summer-exclusive thing is ridiculous to me.
Yes. I will definitely miss 95 degrees, 90% humidity, and $200 electric bills from running the air conditioning constantly, bills for the lawn service, constantly feeling greasy after slathering my skin with sunscreen to avoid melanoma, and sleeping poorly at night because it is hot.
My air conditioner keeps me from dying, but it’s not the same thing. I don’t care for the actual sensation of wind, I’m balancing the too hot of a blanket with the not enough of a sheet. Mosquitoes can get me (It’s an old brownstone with a lot of entry points for mosquitoes. Nothing anybody can do about that. By the…
Come man, if she’s gonna be a crunchy granola stripper, her name better by Autymn.
I like to measure how long it takes a writer to describe the air as crisp when discussing the fall. You made it four words.