And C.B. Bucknor.
Beltre is still a better umpire than Angel Hernandez.
I lived in a house with a bunch of guys in college. One of our friends started dating this really quiet mousey girl and we just sort of lost him for a while. Then when we were hanging out we heard them in the shower together and this really small voice squeaks “Now wash my back, Daddy.”
If these Mets fans really want to get fucked, they should try trading Neil Walker for Jon Niese.
I went out for a while with a girl who liked calling me Daddy. It was the hottest four months of my life interspersed with a truly awful two years.
Miami University of Ohio?
“But if you do, for god sakes man, keep it to yourself and don’t take pictures!”
“pretty sure the stipulations were: try not to rape anyone”
“...when I was at Nebraska...”
Completely outrageous.
Irreparable brain damage while living in Youngstown. A double whammy.
oh, and if you could bleach your skin we might have some scholarship money on the lacrosse team.
pretty sure the stipulations were: please don’t rape anyone
I’ve never watched Schindler’s List.
No, it’s Schindler’s List 2: The Quickening. Everyone knows that
Even Schindler’s List 2: Electric Boogaloo?
“‘Anything’ 2, Electric Boogaloo” always gets a star from me. Anything.
If you loved Buttfumble, get ready for this season’s sequel - Buttfumble II - Electric Boogaloo.