The Yankees and Red Sox split a day-night doubleheader on Sunday, trading shutouts for just the third time in the history of the clubs.
The Yankees and Red Sox split a day-night doubleheader on Sunday, trading shutouts for just the third time in the history of the clubs.
So this will be the second time he’s portrayed a blind guy.
{UPDATE} Editor’s note: On July 16, we posted an article on Ezekiel Elliot that fell far short of our editorial standards, which are written on this here cocktail napkin. We take domestic violence matters seriously, how could we not, SB stands for “Seriously, Bro.” Finally, we realized “Blogging the Boys” infringed on…
and Johnny Pesky himself believes it to be closer in than the officially labeled distance.
How could somebody pay for $110 to watch a serial abuser use a brain-scrambled dipshit as a human punching bag (in high def)? How do Adam Sandler movies make money? How can I make $5500/week working from home just like my aunt, ask me how.
Well you had to figure that once Gilbert Arenas left DC, arms would be a lot harder to come by.
Agreed. What the fuck is it with these cousin fucking hillbillies thinking WV is a “suburb” of Pittsburgh?!? It’s in another goddamn state. Jagoffs.
You’re thinking of the inevitable loss to the Patriots next year in the AFCCG. Everyone is jumping that Monday morning.
“Nice throw, man.”
Attitudes of young people nowdays are vastly different than say, 10 years ago. Most every teenager knows someone who is LGBTQ and coming out as a teen is now commonplace. LGBTQ is no longer anything that the next generation gets worked up about (unless you’re some sort of backward brainwashed religious zealot); so…
My take is more along the lines of “I wish this wasn’t news.”
Agreed. The real story here is that there’s someone out there named My-King Johnson, which is incredible.
So you’re not the type of Yinzer I am referring to. It’s all good though, I have several good friends who are Pittsburgh fans are are not frothing-at-the-mouth lunatic idiots. I know you guys exist!
Fuck Nutting!
Wow, all those bandwagon fans that were Red Sox fans ten years ago, and now root for the Cubs must devastated. After all their fandom has followed this guy around for a decade.
Any person with at least a partially functioning brain can tell you a hotdog is not a sandwich. There is no debate. There was never a debate.