
SR IV ended with the Saints discovering time travel. There was so much scope there they could’ve played around with. As a friend of mine said, they could have the Saints riding dinosaurs trying to kill Hitler.

I read an article by these guys a couple of weeks back that stated “The Simpsons first aired in 1989, over 20 years ago.”

Claire is the Senior Food Editor”

Wait until Tuesday.

Same with me.

Great article, fantastic read.

But the are ageing though, everyone is, so it’s an apt descriprive.

Wit don’t they just show the extended cut normaly?

I have the season pass, so have the DLC and the ad still kept coming up. It was trying to sell me something I already had.

After staying awake for that long, you’ll begin to see hallucinations and maybe that will help you think that Black Panther was good...

Hitman 2 came out of nowhere”

Yup, and its not like Jack in the first game where you really only play 1 mission.

Hate to be the one to tell you, there are no modern controls.

The thing about GTA V story DLC is that is just not needed. With GTA V we were sold a full game. No characters hidden behind a pay-wall, not content removed to to be added later at an extra cost, etc.

Finally, someone who understood the book.

You know the correct wording of ‘ludicrous’... but don’t know what ‘plot hole’ means?

It’s not funny - but South Park hasn’t been funny in 15 years. So at least they’re consistent.

“Maybe it’s an honest and deliberate decision to warn people”

“There are charts online that show you the viewing distance for a 55-inch 4K TV, for it to make a difference with the human eye, and it’s like, you have to be 3.5 feet away for it to really make a difference.”

Yeah cos no gaming company other than Microsoft has ever released a more powerful console after the previous one have they?