Yet when the PlayStation 4 was “the most powerful games console in the world” a few years back, Sony fanboys lapped it up and kept braging about it.
Yet when the PlayStation 4 was “the most powerful games console in the world” a few years back, Sony fanboys lapped it up and kept braging about it.
“It’s good. It’s a first-person puzzler in which you are guided through a series of tests by an ambiguously sinister AI with nothing but a gun that shoots pure science. I’ve never played anything like it!”
“The game came out in 2002"
The whole game was needlessly drawn out, repetitive, dull and asinine.
Anybody involved in the making of this game deserves to lose thier job.
“Inexplicably, there’s still no way to play the fantastic western open-world game Red Dead Redemption on PC or PlayStation 4,”
Its a nice idea, but I’ve seen this feature in games before Dying Light.
Same for me.
It’s a shame there are not other things a person could do for a few hours if they do succeed in these “attacks”.
Yes it was a comfy chair that saved him and not the excess fat that safely cushions his body.
Or you could just swap companions, or even choose to have no companions at all.
I still fail to see why backwards compatability is “sad”.
I’ve put almost 60 hours into Fallout 4 so far and not once had to eat any of the food at all.
The 1950s vibe is explained within the game and has been since the original Fallout.
True, I have found plenty of Stimpacks.
I really never liked Fallout either, even though everyone around me were going crazy over Fallout 3. I just found it all really dull.
Its a nice feature to have if you want it.
Give them time, it only launched on Thursday.