
Stealing Sony's thunder? Didn't Sony say they'll start a big PS3 campaign in Latin America at this year's E3?

Good job Microsoft! It wasn't as high as I predicted (around 30K) but definitely a good number. Let's see if it can sustain a number around 9-10K in the next few months

Wow, let's just totally ignore NPD Microsoft. Hilarious.

Saying they made it rubbish is a bit harsh no? I doubt Sony is completely to blame here either since they are dealing with content providers here. If I had the ability to get this , I don't even know how often I'd actually shift my content to other devices, but hey that's just me. I like watching TV on my TV

It said I was an instant winner, sorry guys.

I'm calling it now: The 360 will outsell the PS3 for August (might even be for the rest of the year)

I thought the last iteration was damn near perfect. The one with the smaller thumbnails at the top to highlight the most important news. The big thumbnails at the top just don't look right to me. It's like looking at this site in Safe Mode or something.

Should be a little cheaper. Yes I realize I'm a cheap bastard.